Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turn Your Thinking into Power Thoughts

(by Joyce Meyer)

Thoughts are absolutely one of the most important things that we need to learn about because the Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 that whatever you think, that’s what you become.

One of the greatest revelations that any of us can have is to find out that we can do something about our thoughts. We can choose what we want to think about, because you and I can actually think things on purpose.

In one of my meetings, a woman shared how God had changed her life. She had an awful mess, including very deep depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce and issues with custody battles. Yet, her life has been transformed and changed because she learned how to think right. She said that the most important scripture to her became, …be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind… (Ephesians 4:23).

Like this woman, you and I have to stop just thinking about everything that falls into our head and pay attention to what we’re thinking. If we’re in a bad mood, we can probably find the root of our bad mood by thinking about what we’re thinking about.

Honestly, no one can do anything about our thoughts but us. God is not going to do our thinking for us but the devil will, if we let him. If you and I are passive, he will take the opportunity to put all kinds of garbage into our minds, just like the saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

And if you and I allow our minds to be filled with garbage, then we’re not going to enjoy our lives. Instead, we’ll probably spend our time being miserable. God will teach us how to think right thoughts, but He doesn’t do it for us. We are responsible to do it.

Just Think About It
One way we can start is by having a “think session” each day when we just sit down and say, “Now I’m going to think about a few things that the Bible tells me to think about.” You and I can think on these things throughout our day, whether it’s while we’re waking up in the morning, taking a shower, cleaning the house or driving our car.

Colossians 3:2 instructs us to …set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. If we understand this, then we don’t have to listen to that record that tries to play over and over again in our head asking us, “What’s wrong with me?” As we do this, we begin to see that our lives are changing so radically that it’s absolutely amazing because the truth is, lousy thinking will not give us a great life.

Think on Purpose
I believe there are certain things you and I can think on purpose that will help us live a powerful life rather than a weak life. Scripture teaches us that we need to be very careful about our thoughts. In 2 Corinthians 10:4,5, it says, …the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

These scriptures are telling us that we are in a battle and our mind is the battlefield. We have weapons to fight this battle; however, they are not carnal weapons but spiritual weapons through which we can tear down mental strongholds.

It also says that we are to cast down wrong thoughts, imaginations, theories and reasonings that are against our mind. It is our responsibility to cast them down and lead every thought captive into the obedience of Christ. You and I cannot be passive. We can’t hope that we don’t have bad thoughts or expect someone else to give us some magical message that will keep bad thoughts away from us. We have to learn what the truth is; then every time the Holy Spirit causes us to recognize that we are thinking something that does not line up with the Word of God, stop thinking about it. Bring it captive unto Jesus Christ, and choose to think something good. We can’t just cast down a thought without replacing it with a right thought because empty space is the devil’s place.

Have you noticed how you can be driving down the road just kind of mindlessly riding along when the enemy will capture that empty space and just start filling it with all kinds of junk? I believe if we will do right thinking ahead of time, we will be prepared to handle temptation. We can make up our mind ahead of time how we are going to respond to different situations. Then when they come up in life, we are prepared.

An Ongoing Process
In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us to renew our mind. Now renewing our mind is a continual process. To renew something and to keep it renewed is a constant, ongoing process. It’s like buying a new house. If you and I never do anything to keep it up, it won’t be long until it will be a pile of junk. Or, if we buy a new car that looks really good when we bring it home but don’t take care of it, it will become a dirty mess, full of all kinds of trash.

Well, the mind is the same way. We can’t just think something right one time and expect our mind to stay in good shape. It’s a continual process. In Romans 12:2, it states we are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed completely, by the renewing of our mind. This means you and I can’t even keep one or two areas full of junk because it will affect our entire mind and keep us from the best that God has for us. On the other hand, we also don’t need to be condemned if we still struggle with our thought life. We just need to make sure that we’re making progress.

Do Your Part
You and I can learn how to think right if that’s what we want. But we are going to have to do our part, like studying and committing some things to memory. I don’t believe that means we have to sit around and memorize, because the more we’re in the Word, the more it’s going to be in us.

To be honest with you, I don’t consider myself to be a person who sits around and memorizes scriptures, but I sure know a lot of them. Just the other day, someone asked me, “All those scriptures you quote on TV, do you have them on a teleprompter or something?”

I said, “No.” And he wasn’t a strong Christian who was asking; he was just a guy who was curious and had been watching me a little bit and wanted to know more.

“If you don’t have it on a teleprompter, then how can you just repeat all those things?” he asked.

I said, “I’ve been studying the Word for over thirty years.”

You and I can’t let the devil convince us that we don’t know very much. If we are studying the Word, then we know a whole lot more than we think we do because it’s in us. And each day we need to remind ourselves that our thoughts make a big difference in our lives and we can choose our own thoughts.

Source: joyce meyer

Whatever It Takes

(by John C. Maxwell)

A faint but discernable dividing line separates achievers from dreamers. At first glance this line may be difficult to distinguish. You may be tricked into believing that talents, titles or resources draw the line between the doers and dreamers. However, if you spend a significant length of time with a group of leaders, the line splitting the achievers from the dreamers will become crystal clear—it’s having a can-do attitude.

Here are ten keys to cultivating a can-do attitude.

Key 1: Disown Your Helplessness
Can-do people aggressively pursue solutions, and, in the process, uncover creative solutions others never even try to find. Can-do leaders take responsibility for the future, whereas lesser leaders blame circumstances or other people when facing roadblocks. Rather than wallowing in helplessness, can-do leaders search diligently to overcome the obstacles in front of them.

Key 2: Take the Bull by the Horns
Can-do people are fearless. They go straight to the source of their solution. Their very effort commands attention as they wrestle a problem to the ground with expediency. I have discovered that people with a can-do attitude have an aggressiveness about them. When they enter into the arena of action, they don’t wait; they initiate.

Key 3: Enter the No Whining Zone
Can-do people abstain from complaining. They recognize its futility and guard their minds and mouths against indulging in this time-wasting activity. As George Washington Carver observed, “Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”

Key 4: Put on Another’s Pair of Shoes
Can-do people empathize with others. They attempt to see any predicament from the other person’s perspective in order to make the best decisions. Leaders use their own perspective to give direction, and they use others’ perspectives to forge relational connection. Both direction and connection are indispensable to taking the team on a successful journey.

Key 5: Nurture Your Passion
Can-do people are immune to burnout. They love what they do because they’ve learned how to fuel the fire that keeps them moving. In leadership, the prize is not given to the person who’s the smartest, nor to the person with the advantages in resources and position, but the prize goes to the person with passion.

Key 6: Walk the Second Mile
Can-do people exceed expectations. While others settle for an acceptable solution, they aren’t satisfied until they have achieved the unimagined. They set expectations for themselves higher than what is dictated by the people or situations around them.

Key 7: Quit Stewing and Start Doing
Can-do people take action. While others are crippled by worry, fear and anxiety, they have the fortitude to press forward. The perfect moment when all is safe and assured may never arrive, so why wait for it? Can-do leaders take risks.

Key 8: Go with the Flow
Can-do people can adjust to change. They don’t get caught griping about an unexpected curve in the road. They accept transition with an optimistic outlook. They realize it’s less important what happens to them, than it is what happens in them.

Key 9: Follow Through to the End
Can-do people not only initiate, they finish. They are self-starters with the capacity to close the deal.

Key 10: Expect a Return as a Result of Your Commitment
If you make an all out commitment with a can-do attitude, expect a return. Passionate commitment is contagious, and resources follow resolve. Committed leaders will reap rewards and find open doors as others are drawn to the excitement and energy emanating from them.

Achievers have a can-do attitude that sets them apart from mere dreamers. Achievers are sold out to success—no matter the obstacles—and they are willing to put forth the effort and pay the price of success.

Source: joyce meyer

Attitude Check

(by Joyce Meyer)

Our attitude is our thought life turned inside out.
Even if people can’t see our thoughts, they can see our attitude because it shows up in our body language and facial expressions.

Posture Review
The posture, meaning the perspective or outlook that we take toward the life that we have, is our attitude. Of course, we all don’t have the same life. Honestly, some of us seem to have been given an easier life than others. On the other hand, with others it just seems like we’ve been given a rougher road to go in life than most people. However, no matter what our circumstances are in life, God’s grace is sufficient.

Still, if we adopt a self-pitying attitude or a resentful attitude toward the life that we have, it’s only going make our circumstances worse. If we choose to keep a positive attitude, God can cause the things that Satan has meant for harm in our lives to work out not only for our good, but also for the good of many other people.
I believe when we seem to go through rougher times in life than most people, it’s because God wants to use us in a powerful way to help many other people who are hurting. God’s looking for experienced workers in His kingdom.

Firsthand Experience
When I talk about overcoming abuse, I talk from my own experience. When I talk about forgiving people who have hurt us, I talk from my experience. When I talk about breaking addictions, I talk from experience. Almost all of us in life are more open to listen to someone who has experienced the same things that we’ve experienced. Mainly—because we believe if they have experienced it firsthand, they understand and know what they’re talking about—especially more so than someone who has just pulled information together from a book.

Perhaps you’re thinking, Well, it’s fine for you to tell me to have a good, positive attitude, but you haven’t had my life. I’ve really had it rough.

Maybe you have. I can’t explain why some people have wonder­ful lives, and yet, you and I didn’t have a wonderful childhood and every privilege like some people have been given. However, we can trust God. Although life is not fair, God is just. He is fair. He can take wrong things and make them right. He can give us double for our trouble. Nothing we go through in life is wasted with God. If we put our trust in Him, He will use everything that has not been good in our lives and work it out for our good.

Personality Test
We are responsible for the posture we take, and our own personalities have a part in this. There are some of us who are going to have to work harder at being positive because our personalities are a little more melancholy. Then there are some of us who seem to have a “gift” for seeing what’s wrong with everything. If we don’t let the devil work through it, it can be useful. Seeing what’s wrong with something, if we’re going to be a part of helping to fix it and turn it around in the right direction, can be good. But people who have this type of gift and aren’t following the leading of the Holy Spirit can just make things worse everywhere they go. I know because I used to be the type.

I could walk into a newly decorated room and someone could ask me, “Well, how do you like my new decorations?” With my personality, I could say something like, “W-e-l-l…it looks nice, but you’ve got a piece of wallpaper loose up there in the corner.” I always saw what was wrong. Now I’ve learned that even though I still see those things, that being negative and critical really pulls people down and is something I don’t need to be doing.

So when I say choose to have a good attitude, I know it’s going to be easier for some more than others. My husband doesn’t have to work as hard at having a good attitude as I do. I have to work at it harder because my personality is different than his. However, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have the life that Jesus died for me to have because I spent enough years of my life being unhappy. I don’t want to spend anymore unhappy days.

Choose to Enjoy!
You and I won’t enjoy our life if we have a bad attitude. It’s not our circumstances that make us so unhappy. It’s our attitude toward our circumstances. Jesus has provided a great life for us to have, but even so, if we have a bad attitude, we can miss out on what He has planned for us.

Jesus said, …I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) (John 10:10). I believe that our attitude is really what determines what kind of life we’re going to have. If you haven’t chosen to have a positive attitude in life no matter what your circumstances, I hope you will make your mind up today to enjoy your life!

Source: joyce meyer

Does Jesus Like Me?

(Jennie McLaurin)

"Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."

Singing this children's song always made me feel self-conscious. Not just because of its age appeal, but because of its words. Yes, the Bible says Jesus loves me. And preachers say he loves me so much, he would have died just for me had I been the only person in the world.

But he didn't die just for me. Jesus' love extends to everyone who claims him. Receiving that love can seem like being part of a class-action lawsuit: The terms of agreement apply to me as they do to millions of others. While reassuring, his love hasn't always felt very personal.

And though I believe Jesus loves me, I haven't always been confident he likes me. As a child, I'd been told no one who really knew me would like me. Of course, I'd learned God, who knows me completely, loves me unconditionally, no matter how unlovely I am. But is that love coupled with gladness? After all, I've realized from personal experience I can be loved without being enjoyed.
Playing Favorites

Growing up, I often heard my parents say they loved all their children equally. While I believed my parents, I also knew some of my siblings gave my parents more pleasure than the rest of us kids did. I yearned for my mother's face to light up when I entered her room. But all too often, my childhood faults alienated me from her. I was too loud, too bossy, too demanding, too much like my father. Eventually, I withdrew from my mother's presence rather than risk disapproval.

Of course, I knew God was perfect and my parents weren't. But one particular image of Jesus convinced me he liked some followers more than he liked others. In fact, Jesus appeared to have a clear favorite. Over and over, in paintings, movies, and Bible illustrations, I saw Jesus surrounded by his disciples at the Last Supper. And one of the men, always pictured next to Jesus, was actually resting in Jesus' lap.

That disciple was John, and he had a nickname that filled me with longing. John was "the disciple Jesus loved." What a claim! This phrase was attached to a warm tenderness. Any assurances of God's feelings toward me seemed detached from love's caress.

In my mind, John was nearly perfect—the meek and mild male counterpart of the Virgin Mary. I wasn't like John. Despite my strivings to emulate him, my personality persisted strong and loud.

I knew God used these traits, allowing me to raise my voice against injustice toward outcasts and the poor. But I couldn't see myself as Jesus' bosom buddy. Jesus reserved that status for gentler souls, such as one of the women at my church who was kind, quiet, patient, and humble. I could easily imagine Jesus opening his arms wide to greet her.
Claiming Names

I grew resentful of these favored followers. The week before Easter, while preparing a Bible study on Jesus' last days, I again encountered John, "the disciple Jesus loved," seated beside him at the table. I wondered how John earned that unfair title. No one, not even Peter the Rock, could top it. Being called a heart's treasure was better than being labeled a hardhead.

I felt ashamed of my envy, and sad. I owed Jesus everything, and he certainly didn't owe me any favoritism. I just wanted to know God was glad to have me at his table, too.

Then, as I read on in my study, I saw a different side of John. Just after Jesus predicted his betrayal and death to his 12 disciples, two of them—John and James—started arguing over front-row seats in heaven (Mark 10:32–45). Even the disciples' mother joined in, asking for special favors from Jesus (Matthew 20:20–21).

John's personality wasn't meek and mild after all. When Jesus called John as a disciple, Jesus gave him a very different nickname, one not so endearing: "Son of Thunder" (Mark 3:17). Jesus rebuked this loved one for his pride, power grasping, and foolishness. John was far from perfect!

So how did John become known as "the disciple Jesus loved"? I realized Jesus didn't give John this nickname. John simply claimed it. John wasn't necessarily Jesus' favorite; he simply recognized the ability of Christ's love to redefine self-image. John understood Jesus could know him completely, call him "Son of Thunder" to his face, and still desire his friendship and enjoy his companionship.

This unique love drew John to trust Jesus entirely, to sit as close to him as possible, even to risk rebuke by confiding in him a desire for fame and honor. And John's joy in this relationship spilled onto the pages of Scripture. John's calling himself this nickname in his gospel and Bible letters isn't a threat or an obnoxious boast. It's an invitation to be confident in God's love.
Getting Personal

God used John's nickname to set me free from my doubts about Jesus' love. If John could call himself this name, I could, too. The more I thought of myself as "the disciple Jesus loves," the more I could trust God with who I really am.

I still have my strong personality and mixed-up desires. I still long to be better than I am. I still might merit the nickname "Daughter of Thunder."

But my new nickname brings me constant joy. Sometimes, I confide to God I really must be his favorite, because he sure does like me. Then I laugh out loud. I'm not worried anymore that Jesus sighs when I enter his presence. I think his face lights up with affection. Because I'm "the disciple Jesus loves." And that love is very personal, for I'm fully loved—and liked—as fully me.

Source: christianity today

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Rewards of Self Discipline

(by Darlene Schacht)

Do you hope to lose weight but fail time and again? Do you lust after food, and lack self control? If so, you're not alone. Results from the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), indicate that an estimated 66 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese.i Startling statistics like that cause us to wonder where the heart of our modern society lies.

This month, we’re talking about self-discipline: the nitty-gritty business of controlling our actions, that most of us would rather ignore than put a microscope to. In scripture after scripture, the Bible stresses the importance of controlling our bodies, our tongues and our thoughts, by exercising just that: self-discipline.

To get a biblical example of discipline in action, let’s take a closer look at the self-disciplined side of the woman personified in Proverbs chapter 31:

* Works with eager hands (verse 13)
* Brings food from afar (verse 14)
* Gets up while it’s still dark (verse 15)
* Plants a vineyard (verse 16)
* Works vigorously (verse 17)
* Is clothed with strength and dignity (verse 25)
* Speaks with wisdom (verse 26)
* Doesn’t sit idle (verse 27)

Do some of those characteristics speak to you? Have you refused to work out because it would mean getting up a little earlier? Do you grab something quick to eat because you don’t want to take the time to get your food from afar? Do you waste too much idle time on the computer or television when you could be enriching your mind? Are you clothed with strength and dignity, or do you throw on a ball cap, slip on a ratty old t-shirt, and head out of the door praying that no one will see?

Self-disciplines when applied to our life not only bring self-respect, they also bring respect from others around us:

* Her husband has full confidence in her (verse 11)
* Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land (verse 23)
* Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her (verse 28)
* Let her works bring her praise at the city gate (verse 31)

When self-discipline is called for, many of us step back immediately, and although we may not outright admit what we’re thinking, what we’d like to say is, “Uh—no. I’m not going to sign on to anything that requires sacrifice on my part, I’d rather wait until an easier plan comes along.” And so we wait for the next quick fix that promises weight loss at no cost—perhaps it’s an all you can eat soup diet, or licking the pounds away on an ice cream diet—but we fail time and time again, because a quick fix doesn’t set the stage for tomorrow, it satisfies and gratifies the body today.

Losing weight is simple. There’s no rock that hasn’t been turned, no magic pill that waits to be found. If you struggle with weight gain and a lust toward food, then it’s a battle that needs to be fought; the only question remains “Are you willing to fight?” If you stop for a minute to find an excuse, you’ve hesitated too long. If you put it off until tomorrow, you’re waiting too long. Romans 12:1, tells us that living a life of sacrifice is an “act of spiritual worship.” Some versions call it, “your reasonable service.” Reasonable. There’s nothing unreasonable about bringing our bodies to the point where they yield to the Spirit.

I don’t suppose that the Proverbs 31 woman particularly enjoyed getting up while it was still dark, or lighting a fire while the others remained warm in their beds. And I don’t suppose that it will be easy for you either, the first time, you pass up a bag of potato chips, turn down some chocolate, or settle for water instead of a pop. But I do believe with no uncertainty that in time you will be happy with the changes you’ve made.

Perhaps the key portion of that verse, which speaks to our heart and moves us to obedience, is the word, “worship.” Imagine that—being able to worship God by giving up a part of yourself. Being able to give up the bondage that you have with food, as an act of worship to God.

All things die that we might have life. Nearly every bit of food we put in our mouth is a sacrifice in some way or another. Beef, chicken, pork, fish, lettuce, carrots, berries, nuts, and the list goes on; all once living things that have died so that we can live. Nature itself typifies the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, bringing glory to God.

Dying to ones self is an act of worship because each time we do, we reflect the passion of our Lord. And with each part we give, we reap peace in abundance.

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?"
~ Luke 9:23-25, NIV

Source: Christian Woman Online

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 Ways To Be Content

(by Darlene Schacht)

For the last few months, our focus has been on weight loss. That’s usually the case with Thanksgiving, Christmas and especially New Years! Once all the figgy pudding is put aside we ask ourselves, how can I take off the weight? It’s tough, but I’ve witnessed many of you putting your plans into action, and I’m excited to share in your journey—so press on!

But this month, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, I’d like to shift us in a slightly different direction on our journey to Live Well.

In my book The Mom Complex, I encourage women to “wade through the toys in search of the joys.” I urge them to search inside themselves, so that they can discover the path that God has placed their feet on. It’s important that we see that path today—not tomorrow, because God has already begun a work in us that’s waiting to be uncovered, dusted off and embraced.

We can start by putting aside the “ifs” and the “buts” today:

I’d be happier if this house was bigger…
I’d be happier if my stomach was tighter…
I’d be happier if only I could wear a size 7 again…
I have a great marriage, but my husband doesn’t take me out enough…
My kids are wonderful, but my two year old is going through a phase right now…
I used to spend time with the Lord, but lately I’m swamped for time…

There’s a proverb that says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~ Proverbs 23:7. So don’t think for a minute that the discouragement you wear in your heart won’t show on your face. Happiness is one cosmetic that’s God given and free for all. I want it—don’t you? Of course we do. I’d love to wear a smile 24/7 if I could, but even more than happiness itself, I want contentment--true joy with the peaceful knowledge that God is in control. Yes—I’ll still have dreams and hopes which will point me in one direction or the other, but ultimately when I lay my desire on the alter of worship where I trust God for my life, I’ll allow God’s grace to power each step. That’s what contentment does, and it's learned by patience and practice. The apostle Paul said, "for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." ~ Philippians 4:11b, KJV

Let’s look at five ways to find contentment in your life today:

1. Stop Looking Back
Remember Lot’s wife—otherwise known as the pillar of salt? Wow, I praise God that I’m not in her shoes, because I’ve also looked back a thousand times more than I should have. I’ve also looked to the side, and forward as well—it’s a wonder I don’t suffer neck pain!

Longing for the things of the past, or the things of the future is our way of saying, I’m not content with that which I have, or I don’t trust God with my future. Sodom was a sinful and corrupt place to be, and yet for lack of faith, Lot’s wife looked back. I’ve done the same as I’ve looked back on my sinful past wishing I could pick and choose certain things that I lost—like that 23-inch waist, or skin so tight it snapped into place.

But I’ve also been looking to the future with far too much anxiety, praying that God would open doors, clarify my path, give me direction, and make me skinny. The praying is good, but the problem is that I fail to leave the anxiety there, and I carry it with me instead. It’s like taking a trip to the cleaners then hauling your dirty laundry back home again. Doesn’t make much sense when you consider how fruitless it is.

I’ve come to learn that true contentment is when I can say, “I bring my petitions to you, Lord, lay them at Your feet, and trust that Your direction is best for my life,” with the faith to stand by those words.

Peter wisely guides us on the path to contentment when he writes, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7

2. Count your blessings
Is it quiet in the room? I hope so, because I want you to consider the blessings that you have in your life before you move on. Discouragement of where we are at this moment in life is a roadblock that too many of us are sitting there staring at, hoping that someone will shove it out of the way, so we can move on with our journey.

Live outward, instead of living an inward focused life. We accomplish this by letting go of the “I wants” for a focus on the “I haves.” Ever see a good cop show where the hero is stuck in traffic? What does he do? He gets out of the car and runs. He can sit there all day saying “I want this car to budge,” or he can use the legs that he has to get moving.

Look back—I know, I said not to, but we’re making an exception, just this once! Why look back? Because I want you to witness the fact that God is faithful. He has brought you this far, and He isn’t about to leave you where you are today. ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ ~ Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

Let’s start counting those blessings now... Do you have children? A wonderful husband? A pantry full of food? A best friend? A good income? A talent? Sunshine on your face? Great cheekbones? Kind parents? Whatever it is that you can praise God for, do it right now. Go into a room by yourself if you want to, but release your discouragement by receiving the encouragement we find when we dwell on our blessings. Name them as you give thanks to the Lord. That’s when you’ll get past the roadblock and move on in your faith.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. ~ Psalm 34:8, NIV. Amen, Ladies? Oh yeah--Amen!!

3. Delight in the Lord defines delight this way:
A high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture.

Have you ever met a hard-core golfer? I mean someone who really delights in the sport? I have, in fact I’ve met a few of them, including my brother in-law, Wayne. Wayne likes golf so much that he invested in the cute little shoes for discerning men who want to give their “feet a treat” on the course. And of course he also picked up graphite clubs, of which he had the handles regripped. He watches golf on television, owns several golf videos and computer games, plans every family vacation within 5 miles of a golf course, subscribes to the sports channel, practices at the driving range in summer and the golf dome in winter, has friends that also love golf, and last but not least--he pines for “Big Bertha,” I know…figure that one out, ladies!

Can I define delight any better than that? It would be tough, unless I started in about my friend May and her passion for shoes...

Now let me ask you, do you delight in the Lord? Do you seek to include Him in all that you do? Or is He just a channel that you turn to now and then?

If you haven’t already, then I pray that you will discover the joy that flows, when you delight in the fellowship of the Lord. It may take a bit of slowing down on your part to see it, but His glory is evident in our world, and it’s there to touch and to hold and delight in. Read a Psalm, watch the rain fall, take a walk and chat with Him, watch the clouds float by, hold a newborn, play with a ladybug, give a gift in His name, feel a breeze on your face, hear the sound of laughter, taste a chocolate melting on your tongue, enjoy the smell of your husband, watch a seed sprout in soil… discover Him in all that you do. And when you’re not discovering Him, seek Him out, because when you do—you’ll find Him. Seek Him and praise Him for all that He is; for God delights in the praise of His people.

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
~ Psalm 37:4

4. Embrace the Recipe that You Own
I’m going to go out on a limb and be stereo typical for a moment by saying that women—at least the ones I’ve met—have a tendency to compare themselves with others. Dare I also say often? You may not be the wealthiest, the thinnest, or the most attractive person you know—neither am I. But it’s also likely that there are less attractive, less successful, and less fortunate women then us too. It’s a fact of life. There will always be a prettier, sexier, thinner, and more successful woman than we are, but that’s ok. Let’s accept this fact and move on. Among the glitter, and glitz of Hollywood, there is one thing that it doesn’t posses, and that, my dear, is you. Embrace that.

There will never be another woman who owns the look, the personality and experiences that you do. Those ingredients make up the recipe that defines who you are, and it’s your gift from the Lord—own it. Originality is something to be desired, and you’ve got it girl!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. ~ Psalm 139:13-14

5. Choose your Reaction
One of my favorite quotes comes from a line of the old hymn written by Heratio Spafford in 1873, “Whatever my lot Thou has taught me to say, ‘It is well, it is well with my soul.’”

It’s easy to be happy when we set our minds to it—to wear a smile in the face of sorrow. But expecting to have a Pollyanna view of life in every situation is unlikely. Ecclesiastes 3:4 reads, “[there’s] a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” We’ve all experienced moments like these, but the key to contentment is dependant on how we handle our grief in those times of mourning. After two major tragedies in his life, I doubt that Spafford was chipper when he wrote that song, but I don’t doubt for a minute that he was at peace with his life.

It’s not the things of this world that wound us; it’s our reaction to them. What’s painful to one is encouragement to another, that’s just how our emotions are wired. I lost a baby on Christmas day. In fact I’ve lost five to miscarriage, but this one was particularly painful since I spent boxing day being poked and prodded in the emergency room instead of living with the hope that next Christmas this baby would rest in our arms. I could have worn my grief for months after that, but instead I found contentment knowing that this child had the privilege of spending Christmas day with Jesus Himself, and that next Christmas rather than resting in my arms she’d be resting in His.

He gives us, “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” Isaiah: 61:3

I’d like to encourage you to consider your reaction the next time you feel a blow. Forgot your keys? Late for a meeting? Didn’t get the job you wanted? The bills are piling up? Remember that your reaction to each situation—whether weak or strong—is the only thing that can hurt you, so choose it well. We can choose to cower in the face of life’s failures, or we can hand our pain over to God, receive from His grace, and live by those words--it is well, it is well with my soul…

Source: Christian Women Online