There are two extreme sides when it comes to having a dream… One is just having a dream, wishing his or her dream would be come true, keep thinking and imagining it without doing something real to pursue it. Another is having a dream, and so hasty to make it come true, he or she wants to see the real version of his or her dream as soon as possible, mostly by costing his or her present times, health (both physicly and emotionally), relationships, and other areas of his or her life. Both couldn’t make a dream comes true the way it should. Because in everything, balance is the ultimate key.
If you just have a dream and do nothing to pursue it, you won’t going towards it nor see it in reality. Being a dreamer is a good thing, because it’s the very first step to make something new, something great, something to inspire people’s life, you can name it. But it’s just wasting your time if you don’t work on it into the next step.
You might not pursue it because you have many limitations. Well… newsflash, everyone has their limitations, even the rich ones. This is the temporary world we are live in. We have the limited source of energy, money, time, physic, etc. You might have limitation of money, others might have limitation of physic (I have a friend whose ears are deaf, but man… she has big dreams, and she has never given up. I also have a friend whose legs are crippled, but she keeps on going). We are not living in a perfect world, remember? We’re not staying in this world forever (we have this waiting status, and “waiting” is a verb while we’re still here), all of us have limitation of time. But here’s the good news, when you see yourself or your surroundings, all you can see is limitations… but when you see Him, all you can see is endless possibilities. Because “impossible” is nothing for Him.
He can open a new door, or a new opportunity, or a new phase in our life, in just a click of our fingers, just in a second. It’s an easy matter for Him. The reason why things don’t happen exactly the way we want is because He wants to work on our characters and our faith.
If you happen to be the second extreme, you might not have your dream comes true as soon as you wish. Do you ever think that maybe God wants you to practise your patience?
Do you ever think that the limitation is just His tool to slow you down, to make you understand that working on a dream is a time consuming process?
Do you ever think that He wants you to enjoy, live fully and be grateful of His gift, the present? (remember what is said by Master Oogway in Kungfu Panda movie: “Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mistery, but today is a gift, that’s why it called present” –I love this quote!)
If you’re so hasty in pursuing your dream, and at the same time you’re neglecting yourself, your relations, or maybe even other people’s life (their health, their relations, their other areas of life), don’t you think that what you’re doing is just taken His gift for granted?
King David (Daud) wanted to built the house of God at his age, but God said it was David’s son, Solomon, who would built His house. Walt Disney, he was a great dreamer (google his name, I’ve read his amazing works, and he had lived a balanced life too! I was so impressed!), and he had made great efforts to make his dream come true. And as you can see, his dreams are keep growing bigger and bigger, even after he died… It’s his next generations who continue to work on his dream. The point is, God has His own timeline.
We are a part of His bigger plan, and our lifetime in this earth is a part of His longer timeline. What we need to do is keep walking in line with Him… do our best, keep our faith (keep our sight in the eyes of faith), and keep His promises. He created each of us to fulfill a spesific purpose in His timing.
To make something great, it does take someone to dream… A dreamer who doesn’t stop just to have a dream, but who has faith, discipline, and courage to working on his/her dream, even if he/she has to start it with a small step. Just recall the history of great people, and you’ll find that most of them started with very small steps, with many limitations, and they gave their best efforts to make their dreams come true… the dreams that have reached your generations now. One step at a time, that’s all it takes.
PS: Let’s sing that song, Jordin Spark’s song! =p
Have a great dream everyone!!! And be a great dreamer!