Sunday, August 2, 2009

Doubt About Yourself?

There are moments in my life when I doubt about myself...
Doubt about my ability...
Doubt about my heart's motivation...
Doubt about everything in me...

But suddenly God said softly...
That every time I doubt about myself, it's the same with not trusting Him
Because He is The One who has unlimited power upon anything, and anyone...
Despite of the thing's or person's limitations

If He can rise a dead person who is totally don't have anything ability consciousness control over himself at all
I mean, he's not even breathing...
How a whole lot more He can do with a living person who truly wants to live right and wants to please Him, even though he is having many limitations or have made many mistakes?

He is right... just as always...
That every time I doubt myself, actually I doubt about His power...
...and of course, His unfailing love...

I definitely can surrender all my hopes in Him...
and He who have started His works in me will make sure it will be done until it is perfectly finished...

Jiayou my friends!

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