Friday, May 22, 2009

Believe in the BUT

"Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, BUT your sorrow will be turned into joy"
(John 16:20 - KJV)

Weeping and lamentation are common for everyone in certain parts of life. Maybe it is when we lost someone we love, when our best friend disappoint us, when our beloved one betrays us, when we lose our job, when we get unfair or injustice acts from others... The list could go on and on...

One thing to remember is that we live in a fallen world because of sin. BUT we must keep in mind that God still has control over our life.

We may fall BUT we have the ability to rise again.
We may stumbled BUT He will help us to step back again.
We may become weak BUT His love and words are our very own strength.
We may feel that we lose hope BUT our future is still in His hands
We may feel despair BUT He is able to turn our mourning into joy if we let Him to

There are things that happen out of our control, and we can't predict precisely about tomorrow, not to mention years ahead today... BUT we can trust our life in our Father, whose Love has been proven through His Son, Jesus Christ... The Only Son that He gave us to be a Savior, so He can live in us and we live in Him, as a part of His Kingdom, His children... He never leaves us alone...

"Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the LORD."
(Psalm 31:24 - KJV)

Be strong and hold on to His unfailing promises!

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