Monday, May 11, 2009

Ultimate Love Will Set You Free

I don't feel a thing
No 'cause I don't need to
I'm just okay
If numb is a normal thing to live

Few things had happened in the past
Got the hurt, the anger and disappointment
...and I just couldn't bear another one
I made a promise not to let my heart be broken again

So I let others know that I was tough
...that I was strong and happy
and my life was just good enough
...for myself

Leaving the dreams and bitterness
I was building the defense system
Hoping that it would be enough to keep away others from hurting me
...enough to make them know that they can't take advantages of me

I was right...
No strangers dare enough to interfere
It seems what I've been set up has made me safe
...but slowly my heart is turning to numb...

I can't laugh
I can't cry
My defenses have frozen my heart
It's not only closed the gate from tears, but also from love

Father help me...
I've made a mistake...
What I meant to protect myself has crushed my own ability to feel
Heal me 'cause You're the only One who can...

Nothing can erase the previous journey...
...nor the memories...
But heart can be restored and renewed
When the ultimate Love comes and washes the pain away

Apart from You I stood alone
Apart from You I gave my best efforts
Apart from You... they meant nothing
Now I know... Apart from You... I can't do a thing...

False love can make you cry
False love can make you laugh
But only true Love can set you free
True love can make you able to discern the right from wrongs

Father I open my heart gate
Fill me with Your True Love...

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