(by Linda Mintle)
Don't let negative self-talk control who you are.
We are told in Scripture to be anxious about nothing (see Philippians 4:6). This directive is more than a simple request from God. It is something God believes we can actually attain! With that said, many of us really don’t believe that we can walk in God’s peace—free from anxiety. We have too many thoughts that trouble us and cause us to worry. With God’s help, we can change our way of thinking.
When I ask a worrier what they are thinking, the reply is usually, “I just feel anxious. I’m not thinking anything.” Wrong answer! You may not be aware of it, but you have thoughts behind those anxious feelings.
Negative self-talk is usually the culprit behind anxious feelings, and those negative thoughts cause us to be anxious. When we feel anxious, we see our world in a more negative light. That negative light affects our thoughts. This vicious cycle keeps anxiety going.
In order to stop anxiety, you’ve got to learn to take anxious thoughts captive. You can do this by “grabbing” an anxious thought and pretending to hold it in your hand. Throw the thought away and replace it with something positive and encouraging.
Does this process sound easy? It’s not. Anxious thoughts are automatic for most people, so the work is to first identify your thought prior to the anxious feeling. The thought won’t always be obvious—search for it.
For example, John sat in a meeting with several of his superiors. He was nervous about his presentation and flashed back to a time early in his career when he botched a presentation. These thoughts started running through John’s head, What if I mess up again? I could get fired. I will embarrass myself. The more John allowed these thoughts, the more anxious he became. By the time he stood up to give his presentation, he was close to panic.
Had John changed his self-talk, he may have warded off anxiety. He could have thought, I messed up early in my career. I’m much more experienced. I have done these presentations many times with good outcomes. I have every reason to believe these people will like what I have to say and be impressed. God, help me in my weakness. You are strong in me.
Can you see the difference in self-talk? The first creates or reinforces anxious feelings. The second example dismisses anxious thoughts and builds confidence because of Christ in us. Self-talk is powerful in that it can produce worry and anxiety, but it can also calm us down.
If you struggle with worry or anxiety, check your self-talk. If you notice the following themes, make changes!
I should have… I could have… You are the classic perfectionist who always falls short of the job and worries about your failures. Allow for mistakes.
I can’t believe I did that… What an idiot I am. You are far too critical of yourself and need a shot of God-esteem.
I can’t… I don’t have what it takes… I won’t be able to do it… You believe you can’t meet the challenge. It’s all about you, and God is not in the picture. Insert God.
What about…? You are the classic worrier. Nothing can happen without you bringing out all the possibilities for disaster or problems. This is a lack of trust in God. God’s promise is to be with us through difficulty.
If you find yourself identifying with these statements, write down positive statements that will counter the negative possibilities. For example, instead of thinking, I can’t do that because it’s too scary, say, “It looks scary, but I can meet a new challenge. The worst possible thing that can happen is that I’ll feel scared for a moment and then it will pass. However, I will have accomplished something new.”
After you’ve written down positive statements to counter your negative thoughts, practice saying the positive statements. I suggest using scriptures. Here’s one I use with my kids when they tell me they can’t do something: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13 NKJV). Then I ask, “Is this thing you think you can’t do one of all things? Yes? So you can do it.”
Next time you feel anxious, stop and ask, “What was I thinking before I felt this way?” Chances are it was a negative thought that needs to be taken captive—replace it with a positive “I can” thought.
Source: Joyce Meyer Magz
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